Filing an ADA Complaint

METRO will investigate all complaints from individuals alleging discrimination in METRO programs, services or activities, under the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA). Disability complaints alleging discrimination in programs, services or activities may be filed pursuant to the following procedures.

Any person who believes that METRO has discriminated against them based on their disability may file an ADA complaint, directly or through an authorized representative, by completing and submitting the METRO online ADA Complaint Form.

A person may also file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration’s Office of Civil Rights at:
Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Office of Civil Rights
East Building
1200 New Jersey Ave., S.E.
Washington, DC 20590

Filing an ADA Complaint with METRO
Erica Tucker

ADA & Accessibility Services Compliance Officer

Metropolitan Transit Authority
Lee P. Brown METRO Administration Building
1900 Main Street
Houston, Texas, 77002

ADA Complaint Process

Within ten (10) business days of receiving an ADA complaint, METRO will review the submitted information and send the complainant an acknowledgment (letter or email) informing them whether the complaint will be investigated as an ADA complaint.

METRO will promptly investigate all valid complaints of alleged discrimination based on disability in its programs, services and activities within 60 days of receiving a complete complaint. METRO may contact the complainant if more information is needed to resolve the complaint. The complainant will have ten (10) business days from the date of contact to send the requested information to METRO.

METRO may choose to close the complaint if the requested information is not provided by the complainant within the ten (10) business days. Likewise, METRO may close the complaint if a complainant no longer wishes to pursue the complaint, or if the complainant fails to cooperate in the investigation of the complaint.

After an investigation is completed, METRO will make a final decision and issue one of the following letters to the complainant based on the investigation findings:

  1. A Closure Letter, summarizing the allegations and indicating that METRO did not find a violation of ADA regulations. This letter closes the case. 
  2. A Letter of Finding, summarizing the allegations and interviews concerning the alleged incident and an explanation of any corrective actions, training of METRO staff or other actions will occur.

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